
Is Peanut Butter Good for Weight Loss? Let’s find out.

Written by Nishant Garund
Medically Reviewed by Dr.Varuni Agarwal

Dr. Varuni Agarwal is an esteemed Ayurvedic physician specializing in
diagnosing diseases through Ayurvedic dosha imbalances and providing personalized treatments. She focuses on ahara (diet) and vihara (lifestyle) to manage and heal various ailments.

Is Peanut Butter Good for Weight Loss?  Let’s find out.

Is peanut butter good for weight loss? : This question must have crossed your mind, especially if you are on a weight-loss journey. You might have been advised to eat peanut butter for weight loss. Peanut butter is a nutritious and tasty spread. You can have it with a piece of bread for breakfast, or you can also eat it directly from a spoon. Peanut butter is full of nutrients, protein, and healthy fats, and can be had in moderation, even if you are trying to lose weight.

Other than using empty jars of peanut butter to store everyday spices, peanut butter also has many benefits, such as promoting fullness, providing essential nutrients, etc. 

Some people may say peanut butter is bad for weight loss due to its high calorie content, while others may claim it to be good for weight loss due to its nutritional value and unsaturated fat content.

Let us discuss in detail: Is peanut butter good for weight loss?

Is it okay to eat peanut butter for weight loss?

Peanut butter may be a good option for weight loss, all thanks to its nutritional value. Let’s discuss it in detail.

Full of nutrients: Peanut butter is rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, unsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Eating nutrient-rich foods is necessary for your weight loss journey to meet your daily nutrition needs. 

is peanut butter good for weight loss

Helps to feel fuller for a longer time: Peanut butter contains a good amount of protein and also takes time to digest, both of which help you feel fuller for a longer period of time. This may prevent you from eating junk food and high-calorie foods.

High calorie content: The thing that makes peanut butter a debatable topic is its calorie content. Peanut butter is dense in calories. Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain almost 200 calories. Most of the calories in peanut butter come from unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are considered a healthier option as compared to saturated fats. Unsaturated fats reduce the risk of heart problems by reducing blood cholesterol levels. Still, to lose weight, maintaining a calorie deficit is very important. For maintaining a calorie deficit, eating peanut butter in moderation is key. Excess peanut butter may not be good for weight loss.

Therefore, we can say that peanut butter is good for weight loss, but eating in moderation and maintaining a caloric deficit is key.

How do I eat peanut butter for weight loss effectively?

You can add peanut butter to your existing weight-loss diet. There can be many ways in which you can add peanut butter to your diet, each of which has an added benefit.

Because peanut butter can also lead to weight gain, all thanks to its calorie-dense structure, it becomes very important to know how to eat it effectively. Let’s discuss some of the effective ways in which you can eat peanut butter for weight loss routine.

is peanut butter good for weight loss

Choosing the right type: Every peanut butter available on the market is not the same. The majority of peanut butter is made with hydrogenated oils, added sweeteners, and artificial flavourings, which are not healthy to include in a diet. These unhealthy peanut butters may not be good for weight loss; therefore, you should avoid them. Always check the label before you buy peanut butter, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Healthy peanut butter is made with the help of the natural oils present in peanuts. Due to this, the oil and spread may separate while stored in a jar, but this is a good   sign for a healthy peanut butter. Just mix it and eat it.

Eating in moderation: Yes, peanut butter is healthy, but it is also dense in calories. Eating it in moderation is equally important. High calories may increase the fat in the body, leading to weight gain.

For losing weight, maintaining a calorie deficit is very important. If you are adding peanut butter to your diet without counting calories, then it may not help with weight loss. Adjust your diet accordingly with peanut butter so that it does not exceed your calorie intake.


Peanut butter may be a better food option to eat for weight loss. Peanut butter is an interesting and tasty spread option, enriched with nutritional values. It is rich in essential nutrients such as proteins, unsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. The protein content of peanuts helps you feel full while also getting essential nutrients. The calorie content of peanut butter is also dense, but the majority of the calories come from unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are good fats and healthier as compared to saturated fats. Therefore, it can be said that peanut butter is good for weight loss.

Choosing the right type of peanut butter also becomes necessary. Most of the peanut butter available on the market is made with hydrogenated oils, added sweeteners, and artificial flavourings, which are not healthy. Also, because peanut butter is dense in calories, it may interfere with the calorie intake in your body. Maintaining a calorie deficit is also very important for weight loss. Thus, eating peanut butter in moderation is also necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat brown bread with peanut butter for weight loss?

Yes, you can eat brown bread with peanut butter for weight loss. Make sure that the brown bread is made completely from whole wheat with the lowest possible content of maida. Homemade bread is also a good option.
Some brown breads on the market are made from maida and artificially coloured brown. That may not be healthy to eat for weight loss.

How much peanut butter can I eat a day for weight loss?

A healthy person can eat about 30 to 40 grams (almost 2 tablespoons) of peanut butter a day for weight loss. Eating in moderation is the key because it contains dense calories. 
However, the quantity may change depending on your existing diet and health condition.