
Is Poha Good for Weight Loss?: Discovering Some Underrated Benefits of Poha

Written by Nishant Garund
Medically Reviewed by Dr.Varuni Agarwal

Dr. Varuni Agarwal is an esteemed Ayurvedic physician specializing in
diagnosing diseases through Ayurvedic dosha imbalances and providing personalized treatments. She focuses on ahara (diet) and vihara (lifestyle) to manage and heal various ailments.

Is Poha Good for Weight Loss?: Discovering Some Underrated Benefits of Poha

Almost every one of us has eaten poha, and who doesn’t like it? Especially if you are from the western or central regions of India, your breakfast would be incomplete without poha. Do you know that, despite having such rich flavours, poha has health benefits? Have you ever given it a thought: Is poha good for weight loss?

Almost Yes, poha is one of the best food options available for weight loss. But how? Keep reading to learn.

Poha helps in weight loss, but how?

For your weight loss journey, it is very important to be on a calorie deficit. A calorie deficit happens when the total calories consumed by a person are lower than the calories burned in a particular time period.

Healthy foods are best suited for your weight-loss journey because healthy foods such as poha, veggies, oats, avocados, etc. are low in calories. These low-calorie foods, when accompanied by a disciplined routine of exercises, help with weight loss.

Poha is a good healthy option as it is low in calories, rich in fiber, and has essential nutrients such as protein, sodium, iron, magnesium, etc. Let’s discuss the numerous benefits of eating poha.

Benefits of eating poha.

poha nutritrional value for weight loss

Alongside having rich flavours, poha also serves many benefits. Some of them are discussed below.

High in fibre: Poha is high in fibre, which helps you feel full for a longer period of time. Poha is a good absorber of water, which helps satisfy your hunger with a low calorie intake. Moreover, adding vegetables to poha further increases the fibre content. 

Rich in nutrients: Poha is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It provides you with essential nutrients such as protein, iron, carbohydrates, magnesium, sodium, etc.

Easy to digest: As poha is a good absorber of water, it is easy to digest. It does not cause any gastric issues and helps you feel full for a longer period of time.

Energy-giving food: Poha is rich in good carbohydrates, which makes it a good energy-giving food. In your weight loss journey, exercising is also necessary, which requires high energy. Poha may be a healthy option for energy requirements in your weight loss journey.

Which method of preparation of poha is good for weight loss?

poha for weight loss

Obviously, you would not eat bland poha. You must need a method of preparing poha. These preparation methods would be a good option for your weight-loss journey:

Vegetable Poha: Vegetables not only add flavour to your dish but also increase its nutritional value. Vegetables add to the effectiveness of poha, making it a good procedure to make poha.

Dry Fruit Poha: Dry fruits have good contents of fibre, protein, and healthy fats, which may help you feel full even after eating less. Poha is also good for fiber. Both complement each other to make a nutrient-full and less-calorie meal.

Peanut: Peanuts are a good source of protein. When they are added to poha, they enhance the total protein content of your meal.

The best time to eat poha for weight loss

poha for weight loss

Poha is not a time-specific meal. You can have poha at any time of the day. In some states of India, poha is sold from early morning until late night, non-stop.

Poha can be a good breakfast option to kickstart your day with full energy. Poha can also be eaten in the evening to satisfy hunger between two different meals.

For some people, especially those with high sugar levels, poha could not be a good option to eat at night. This is because carbohydrate levels in poha could spike their sugar levels while sleeping, causing discomfort and improper sleep.

Let’s conclude

Poha is one of the food options that helps with weight loss. Poha is high in fibre, rich in nutrients, and easy to digest, all of which help in losing weight. Poha is a good absorber of water, which helps satisfy your hunger with a low calorie intake and also helps you feel full for a longer period of time. You can prepare your poha meal either with vegetables or dry fruits to enhance its effectiveness. Poha can also be eaten at any time of the day, depending on your needs. One should only avoid eating poha at night, as it may spike sugar levels while sleeping due to its carbohydrate contents.

A disciplined exercise routine is also recommended for an effective and efficient weight loss journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we eat poha at night for weight loss?

Poha can be eaten at any time of the day, but some people, especially those with high sugar levels, should avoid eating poha at night. This is because carbohydrate levels in poha could spike their sugar levels while sleeping, causing discomfort and improper sleep. 

Which type of poha is good for weight loss?

Poha prepared with vegetables or nuts could be a good option because they enhance the benefits of poha including weight loss.